The Bucyrus Museum is dedicated to preserving local industrial history of South Milwaukee and the history of the Bucyrus company. The new website needed to have a way to feature a sampling of their over 20,000 historic artifacts, documents, and photographs as well as give users a way to donate to the museum and purchase tickets as well as other items in the gift shop online.
How I achieved it
I used WordPress to create the website with archival photos from the Bucyrus Museum as design elements. A section of the website called “Our Legacy” is also hosted inside of a qiosk within the museum showing important members and machines that have contributed to the museums history and growth. Each Legacy member can be sorted by their job description as well as their name. Each listing can be expanded upon when touched on the presentation as well as the website. When submitting a donation a user can select if they would like to be included in the Legacy Gallery as a former employee or in honor of an employee and their submitted information can be reviewed by an admin of the site and submitted to be created into a page with the push of a single button.