The previous website was built with Wix.com. The challenge was to learn the ins and outs of Wix and then improve upon the layout and user interface keeping consistent with the branding and overall established look of the Urban Autism Solutions materials. The main focus of the website is to gain private donations as this is how the organization survives. It’s a non-profit that serves young adults with autism through integrated community programs.
How I achieved it
I was really impressed with the flexibility and the ease of use of Wix.com. I was able to create custom post types for FAQs and Programs as well as Staff to keep them organized and easy to update for anyone updating the website in the future. Editing the stylesheet was a bit different than using a global stylesheet but once my global variables were defined they showed up as defaults and were very easy to implement. The layout was then a matter of dragging and dropping the elements into a place that made sense in a visual hierarchy. I’ll keep an eye out on our analytics and donations to see how these changes affect our views and donations and as always, I’ll be open to suggestions for improvements both from users and from UAS. Thanks for taking a look!